Black and white graphic representing transparency, featuring an overlapping circle design with dashed and solid lines, accompanied by the text 'Our commitment to transparency' and the STF logo below

Our commitment to transparency

Alexander Linton

The Session Technology Foundation remains dedicated to transparency and openness. In accordance with these values, we have published our public deed.

The Session Technology Foundation remains dedicated to transparency and openness. In development, these values are upheld through open-sourcing code and contributing to permissionless systems, such as the Session Network. In governance, this is achieved through sharing key information detailing our past and planned activities.

These values, among others, are clearly outlined in our foundation’s public deed, which we have now published.

This is a legally binding document that defines our core principles, including digital rights, privacy, and innovation.

The Session Technology Foundation’s continued commitment to openness

Information about the vision for ecosystem growth can already be found here. As practical components of the transition are completed (such as transferring repositories to our GitHub organisation), we turn our gaze toward the future of Session.

The foundation is currently articulating additional plans for how we will foster the continued growth of the ecosystem, which will soon be shared with the community and broader public. As time goes on, we will continue to publicise important information about our foundation and its contributions to the ecosystem wherever possible.

We respect your privacy, safety, and security, and we will continue to openly contribute to technologies which preserve these simple rights.

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